Preparation of the Solution

Fill the bucket supplied with
20 liters of water.
Add a complete bag (800 gr) of
GreenTONIC and stir at once,
until completely dissolved

LACTACIÓN:From the 2nd day to the 8th of piglet's life and two days before weaning

Por día  medio litro de solución GREENTONIC por Camada
Pour in a feeding plate: 0,5 liters of GreenTONIC solution per litter once a day

Weaning Day + 2 ays

1 kilo de pienso, añadir 1.5 litros de solución GreenTONIC
Pour in a feeding plate for every 10 piglets once a day.
  1º Add 1 kilo of feed on the plate.
 2º Pour 1.5 liters of the GreenTONIC solution without mixing.